about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses
Congratulations to JHS Senior, Ripken Wallace! He has had his scholarship to Oklahoma State University upgraded to the Oklahoma State Regents Institutional Award Automatic qualifier Award. Student has to score in the 99.5 percentile on ACT to receive this award This is a four year award totaling $53,100 .! Way to go Ripken! #GOPOKES #ITSAGREATDAYTOBEALONGHORN
about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses
JHS Seniors: SECURITY BENEFIT STRENGTH IN BENEFIT SCHOLARSHIP A one-time $2,000 ($1,000 per academic semester) scholarship to a student who plans to pursue a certified degree in education or in an occupation that directly supports the educational system and meets the following criteria: Graduating high school senior A resident of the state of Oklahoma Pursuing a certified degree in education or directly supporting the educational system Letter of recommendation Letter of application https://www.okasbo.org/files/documentlibrary/application%20forms/Strenght_In_Education_Scholarship_2024_Application.pdf
about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses
JHS SENIORS: ANN WADE STRENGTH IN EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP A one-time $2,000 ($1,000 per academic semester) scholarship to a student who plans to pursue a certified degree in education or in an occupation that directly supports the educational system and meets the following criteria: Graduating high school senior A resident of the state of Oklahoma Pursuing a certified degree in education or directly supporting the educational system Letter of recommendation Letter of application The School district must be a member of the Oklahoma ASBO. https://www.okasbo.org/files/documentlibrary/application%20forms/Ann_Wade_Scholarship_2024_Application.pdf
about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses
JHS SENIORS: SEE BELOW FOR AMAZING SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY We are excited to announce the Jimmie L Dean Scholarship Foundation is now taking applications for the 2024 - 2025 academic year at our website www.jimmiedeanfoundation.org. Our applications have 2 deadlines: Those students attending OSUIT have a July 15, 20244 deadline All students other than those attending OSUIT deadline is April 30, 2024 There are a separate application forms for the OSUIT students and all other students. Every year since 2010, we have provided individual scholarships of up to $10,000 per year to outstanding Oklahoma students who attend Oklahoma colleges and Universities. Since our first awards in the 2010-2011 School year, we have provided actual funds of over $1 million. Our mission is to provide financial assistance to Oklahoma students who will attend Oklahoma colleges and universities that we feel will remain in out great state after graduation and contribute to the Oklahoma economy for many years. This award does not consider income levels, hardship conditions, or a specific entrance test score (although we do require a minimum 25 ACT score for 4 year colleges and Universities and 17 for OSUIT students). We do take into consideration the test score when trying to project a student's success in their chosen major area of study. We are simply looking for true Oklahomans who may find themselves in the position of not having sufficient funds to attend college but have income levels that preclude them from receiving enough financial assistance to cover their costs of attendance. Our awards are structured in a manner to fill in the gap between the scholarships and awards already earned by a student and the cost of tuition and academic fees plus room and board charges, with the goal to eliminate or reduce the need for student debt. The qualities we are looking for are students who are responsible citizens who have worked hard and have achieved good academic standing. We view a student's work history, their expected major, their academic achievement and recommendations from those they have been associated with as a body of work to eventually make our decision as to who will receive an award. Our application form provides an avenue for a short student essay to allow them to introduce themselves to our foundation. We rely upon this to help select our finalists each year. We encourage you to communicate to prospective students they take this opportunity very seriously. You would be surprised as to how many essays simply state the students need for money or tell us about the other members of their family but really nothing about themselves. In all candor we already know they need money or they would not be applying and telling us about family members is only relevant if it provides insight into the student. We want to know about the student, what jobs they have held, what would make them a good investment for us, and how do they exemplify the qualities of the Foundation. Our awards are primarily awarded to students who will be pursuing degrees that are science related rather than arts majors. Therefore, some of the majors we will not consider are music, performing arts, English, literature, Psychology, Sociology, Journalism, Business, Pre-law, Political Science, Music, Education or similar majors. In short, we are looking for students who are wanting to make or build things or serve in a health science field
about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses
JHS Juniors interested in West Point: I wanted to reach out and share this opportunity to any rising Senior Students interested in receiving any information or attending West Points Summer Leaders Experience. February 1st, we are launching a new SLE portal. We are seeking current high school juniors who are interested in applying to SLE early in exchange for providing user feedback on the new website. This will serve as their actual application to SLE (and West Point), and they can be offered a slot at SLE at the end of the process, if qualified.Not all responders to this form will be selected to apply early.Applying early will not give the applicant preferential treatment in the selection process. If you know any students graduating high school in 2025 who might be interested, please send them this request form: https://forms.office.com/r/JectGaF2sY
about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses
Mark your calendars! The Jones Kiwanis Invitational is January 18th - 20th:
about 1 year ago, Michelle Rust
JHS Juniors: Rose State is hosting their Junior Preview Day. See flyer for more information.
about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses
Junior Preview Day
JHS Seniors planning to attend Rose after graduation. See flyer about their PLC Scholarship opportunity.
about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses
JHS Seniors: Attached is application for the Team 1 $2000.00 scholarship. Please complete and follow directions for submission. https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/241/Jones_High_School/3869774/team1application.docx
about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses
Juniors that will be first generation college students: See attached flyer for scholarship opportunity. https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/241/Jones_High_School/3869778/NOS_Fall_Scholarship_Flyers_TL__2_.pdf
about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses
about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses
JPS wants all parents & students to know that due to road conditions: 🚍Buses will be driving with extreme caution & routes will be delayed. 🚗Tardies will not be charged for late arrivals due to road conditions. 💚Be Safe & Stay Warm
about 1 year ago, Brooke Guthery
Don't forget to enroll in the June 1-4th Washington D.C. trip by February 10th! This trip will be action packed and super informative! Ask Ms. Bennington at lbennington@jonesps.org if you have any questions. Enroll Link: www.efexploreamerica.com/2739530pb
about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses
🤘JPS is ready for another AMAZING semester! See you on Monday🤘
about 1 year ago, Brooke Guthery
Don't forget, JHS has festive dress-up days next week! Join the fun! If you dress up, see Mrs. Neal in the morning to be entered into a raffle!
about 1 year ago, Michelle Rust
Want to travel to Washington D.C. June 1-4, 2024? Email Ms. Bennington at lbennington@jonesps.org for more information or questions. Use this link to enroll! https://www.efexploreamerica.com/tour-website/2664301NA The lowest price point increases after January 1st, so enroll as soon as possible! Monthly payment plans are available!
about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses
washington DC
Food for thought. Please read this editorial from Jones High School. We hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday season! https://5il.co/2auyg
about 1 year ago, Mike Watkins
JHS Students looking for ACT prep for February ACT: See attached flyer for February ACT workshop https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/241/Jones_High_School/3815168/February_ACT_flyer__1_.docx
about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses
JHS Seniors just a reminder about the WEOKIE FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP The WEOKIE Foundation will award 25 graduating seniors a scholarship of $2,000 each for a total of $50,000. THE DETAILS... Rules: Essay and application must be submitted electronically. Essays must be typed and double-spaced and no longer than two pages. Topic: What career do you plan to pursue? In this career field, please share the challenges you might encounter. What strategies or tactics will you use to reach your ultimate goal? Eligibility: Anyone who lives or attends school in Oklahoma, Canadian, Cleveland, Grady, Lincoln, Logan, McClain, or Pottawatomie counties. These counties are eligible per WEOKIE Federal Credit Union's field of membership. Additional terms apply. Deadline: Essay and application must be completed and submitted electronically no later than Friday, January 19, 2024. https://www.weokie.org/scholarships?utm_campaign=Scholarships&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=285155593&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_FGXIqDLVUsfBiGkZME0MuB6ugJRDEjp_qvt80e0NUagtrjYDkkMH6GZVOdUfKGWgkg_6OZxCa-QC1dQvO7C_lY4n4zw&utm_content=285155593&utm_source=hs_email
about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses