JHS Students: The Attached document has over 40 scholarships that you may be eligible to apply. There are scholarships in this document for every grade level 9-12. Check it out and apply for any and all you can. Some of the scholarships have deadlines as early as January 10 and some have deadlines in March. https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/241/Jones_High_School/5165687/SCHOLARSHIPS_FOR_ALL.pdf
about 22 hours ago, Curtis Moses
JHS Juniors: The Horatio Alger Awards 600 scholarships ranging between $10000 and $25000 to deserving Juniors every year. Eligibility Requirements: Be enrolled full time as a high school junior in the United States Exhibit a strong commitment to pursue and complete a bachelor’s degree at an accredited non-profit public or private institution in the United States immediately after high school graduation (students may start their studies at a two-year institution and then transfer to a four-year institution) Demonstrate financial need ($65,000 or lower adjusted gross family income is required) Be involved in co-curricular and community service activities Display integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity Maintain a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 Be a United States citizen For more information and to apply go to https://horatioalger.org/scholarships-and-services/undergraduate-scholarships/
about 23 hours ago, Curtis Moses
The deadline to submit your Senior Tribute to the yearbook is Wednesday, January 15th. Please contact our yearbook sponsor at drowlen@jonesps.org with any questions. Welcome back!
1 day ago, Emily Norman
Congratulations to JHS teacher, Mr. Gierhart! Of over 500 applicants, Mr. Gierhart was 1 of 26 teachers selected to receive an Oklahoma CLASS grant for his Physics and Mathematics classes.
2 days ago, Michelle Rust
Seniors: FAFSA Completion is a graduation requirement. If you are needing Help completing FAFSA. EOC Financial Aid Personnel are hosting FAFSA Nights to assist you in completing. See Flyer information on these FAFSA nights.
2 days ago, Curtis Moses
JHS SENIORS INTERESTED IN FIELD OF EDUCATION: The deadline to apply for the 2025 Dr. Bob Mooneyham Memorial Scholarship for Future Teachers is quickly approaching. Applications for the one-year $5,000 scholarship are due by Jan. 10 and can be completed online at ossba.org/scholarship.   Each spring, the OSSBA Foundation selects a deserving Oklahoma high school senior who plans to become an Oklahoma educator for this honor. We know your classrooms are full of amazing students you would love to return to your district one day as certified members of your team. We hope you will share this scholarship opportunity with eligible students who plan to major in education.    To qualify, the candidate:   Must be a high school student who will earn a diploma from an Oklahoma public high school during the 2024-25 school year.   Must have plans to pursue a degree at an accredited Oklahoma college, university or career technology center beginning in the fall of 2025. Must have a minimum 3.0 unweighted high school GPA Preferred - Have a minimum 20 ACT or 1040 SAT score Must plan to major in education Must plan to be an Oklahoma educator Financial need will also be considered.  Children or grandchildren of OSSBA employees, officers, or board of director members, as well as international students, high school graduates and temporary residents, are ineligible to receive the scholarship.
3 days ago, Curtis Moses
JHS SENIORS planning to attend Rose State College after graduation: Rose State's Scholarship application is now open. Deadline to apply is March 1. Apply now do not wait until deadline. https://rose.scholarships.ngwebsolutions.com/CMXAdmin/Cmx_Content.aspx?cpId=41
3 days ago, Curtis Moses
Seniors: Don't forget to take advantage of this scholarship opportunity from the WEOKIE Foundation.
3 days ago, Curtis Moses
JHS Seniors interested in the field of Education Security Benefit Strength in Benefit Scholarship A one-time $2,000 ($1,000 per academic semester) scholarship to a student who plans to pursue a certified degree in education or in an occupation that directly supports the educational system and meets the following criteria: Graduating high school senior A resident of the state of Oklahoma Pursuing a certified degree in education or directly supporting the educational system Letter of recommendation Letter of application https://www.okasbo.org/files/documentlibrary/application%20forms/2025_Strenght_In_Education_Scholarship_Application.pdf
3 days ago, Curtis Moses
JHS Seniors interested in the field of Education: Ann Wade Strength in Education Scholarship: A one-time $2,000 ($1,000 per academic semester) scholarship to a student who plans to pursue a certified degree in education or in an occupation that directly supports the educational system and meets the following criteria: Graduating high school senior A resident of the state of Oklahoma Pursuing a certified degree in education or directly supporting the educational system Letter of recommendation Letter of application The School district must be a member of the Oklahoma ASBO. https://www.okasbo.org/files/documentlibrary/application%20forms/2025_Ann_Wade_Scholarship_Application.pdf
3 days ago, Curtis Moses
JHS Students looking for ACT Prep: Check out this Flyer for Steve Bowlware's upcoming workshop. https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/241/Jones_High_School/5151776/February_ACT_flyer__3_.docx
3 days ago, Curtis Moses
Another Longhorn Alumni doing great Things: Michael Chapple's accomplishments at Baylor University 💚🐻💚🐻💛🐻💛 💚🐻💚💛🐻💛 After a quick 3.5 years, Michael Chapple, Jr. is graduating early from Baylor University. 💚💛Double Major with honors: 🐻B. A. Political Science 🐻B. A. Philosophy 💚💛Honors: 🐻Baylor Honors Program 🐻Baylor Interdisciplinary Core 🐻William Carey Crane Scholar 🐻Provost Scholar 🐻Alpha Lambda Delta (Academic Honor Society) 🐻Moot Court 🐻Student Government 🐻Pi Sigma Alpha (Political Science Honor Society) 🐻Golden Key International Honor Society 🐻Religion & Social life Fellow 🐻Outstanding Political Science Student 🐻Homecoming Court Prince 🐻Baylor Study Abroad Washington, D.C. 🐻Baylor Study Abroad Oxford, UK 🐻🐻2024 Harry S. Truman Scholar Finalist 💚💛Honors College Students Thesis: “New Natural Law in Theories of Adjudication” Defended December 2024 Awarded “OUTSTANDING” Distinction (Top 5% for Master’s-level honors theses) #GOBEARS #ITSAGREATDAYTOBEALONGHORN
21 days ago, Curtis Moses
JHS Seniors interested in Petroleum Engineering, GeoEnergy Engineering, or Geoscience: See this information I recieved from OERB regarding their scholarships: HELP FIND THE NEXT GENERATION OF ENERGY LEADERS! Last year, the OERB awarded $529,500 to students majoring in petroleum-related fields at the University of Oklahoma (OU), the University of Tulsa (TU), and Oklahoma State University (OSU). If you know a high school senior that is interested in Engineering, Energy Management, or Geoscience, please share this opportunity with them! Your students can earn up to $22,500 in scholarships throughout their college career. In addition, if the student attends the University of Oklahoma and majors in Petroleum Engineering, GeoEnergy Engineering or Geoscience, their scholarships will be doubled for a total of $45,000 over 4 years through their scholarship matching program*. For the 2025-2026 upcoming school year, students will earn the following: Incoming Freshman- $4,000 Sophomore- $5,000 Junior- $6,000 Senior- $7,500 Please join me in helping your high school seniors get the money they need to JUMP-START THEIR FUTURE by encouraging them to apply today at OERB.com/scholarships The 2024-2025 application is open until March 1st, 2025 and takes less than 30 minutes to complete. Last year nearly 45% of students that applied were awarded scholarships! https://oerb.com/education/undergraduate-scholarship-and-application/
21 days ago, Curtis Moses
JHS Seniors: The Oklahoma School Insurance Group is awarding scholarships through its scholarship program. See attached flyer for more information
22 days ago, Curtis Moses
Congratulations to JHS Alumni, Dakotah Calvert and Brinlee Sanders! They both graduated from EOC's Fire Academy last night! Way to go guys! Longhorns making us proud! #ITSAGREATDAYTOBEALONGHORN
22 days ago, Curtis Moses
Fire Academy
Congratulations to JHS Senior, Tatum Scott! This young lady is going to have option and decisions to make as her offers from schools continue to roll in! Currently she has been awarded the Academic Excellence Scholarship from Oklahoma State University in the amount of $2500 per year with a total value of $10,000. She has also been awarded the UCO - Bronze and Blue Scholarship from the University of Central Oklahoma in the amount of 1800 per year with total value of $7200! Making us Proud Tatum #OPTIONS #DECISIONS #GOPOKES #ROLLCHOS #ITSAGREATDAYTOBEALONGHORN
23 days ago, Curtis Moses
Congratulations to JHS Senior, Sydney Haas! Sydney has signed to play softball and continue her education at Oklahoma Wesleyan University ! Way to Go, Sydney! #ITSAGREATDAYTOBEALONGHORN
23 days ago, Curtis Moses
🏀SCHEDULE CHANGE🏀 Only varsity will play tonight, starting at 6:15!
23 days ago, Michelle Rust
🤘Here's a look at events happening this week at JHS🤘
24 days ago, Michelle Rust
Some of our 4-H and FFA students making Jones Proud. They volunteered and served many with their work the the Food Bank. #SERVICE #FFA #4-H #MAKING JONES PROUD #ITSAGREATDAYTOBEALONGHORN
26 days ago, Curtis Moses
Food Bank
food bank 1
FOod Bank