about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses
🤘🏼JHS Cheer will compete Saturday, Nov. 4th at Victory Christian in Game Day regionals! They perform promptly at 12:10! Be early and be LOUD🤘🏼 Tickets can only be purchased through https://gofan.co/app/school/OSSAA
about 1 year ago, Lee Ann Purvis
Our Leadership class is looking for help with our KINDNESS PROJECT. We are looking for POOL NOODLES. If you have some you would like to donate, you can leave them in the HS front office. We would very much appreciate your help in spreading KINDNESS! Thank you!
about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses
supplies for kindness
Today, Jones Art Club Members Isabel Fussel (10th) and Julianne Richards (12th) attended the Oklahoma County Commissioner Board Meeting with other District 1 and 3 high school students to be recognized for the artwork they submitted to the County Commissioners Fall Art Competition. The theme was Oklahoma Skies. Isabel placed first and Julianne placed second. The winners were selected by members of the Allied Arts and their artwork will be displayed in the halls of the Oklahoma County Courthouse until the next competition in the spring. Jones High School Art Club members are pictured here with their artwork, and certificates signed by the County Commissioner. They also got to meet and talk with other high school artists across County Districts 1 and 3. Isabel and Julianne, we are very proud of you and thank you for representing Jones High School so well.
about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses
I & J
I & J 1
Today, Jones Art Club Members Isabel Fussel (10th) and Julianne Richards (12th) attended the Oklahoma County Commissioner Board Meeting with other District 1 and 3 high school students to be recognized for the artwork they submitted to the County Commissioners Fall Art Competition. The theme was Oklahoma Skies. Isabel placed first and Julianne placed second. The winners were selected by members of the Allied Arts and their artwork will be displayed in the halls of the Oklahoma County Courthouse until the next competition in the spring. Jones High School Art Club members are pictured here with their artwork, and certificates signed by the County Commissioner. They also got to meet and talk with other high school artists across County Districts 1 and 3. Isabel and Julianne, we are very proud of you and thank you for representing Jones High School so well.
about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses
ok county art
group art
JHS Seniors: The WEOKIE Foundation is awarding 25-$2000.00 scholarships. Application opened October 20 and Deadline is January 19. See attached flyer
about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses
JHS Seniors: Northwestern Oklahoma State University in Alva is hosting its annual open house/senior preview day, Ranger Preview< On November 11. This opportunity for you and your parents to explore campus, talk with faculty and earn scholarship money. Every high school senior in attendance will receive $600.00 scholarship Doors open at 9:30 am and registration begins at 10 am in the Percefull Fieldhouse on NWOSU Campus. Students can register by visiting the following link nwosu.edu/ranger-preview
about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses
JHS JUNIORS: Youth Leadership Oklahoma (YLOK) is currently accepting applications for Class 24. YLOK is seeking applicants who are current high school juniors and passionate about advocating for their community and state. During the program, 52 selected students from across the state will travel throughout Oklahoma from June 2-7th and learn about critical issues that impact Oklahoman's (ethics, entrepreneurship, health care, economics, philanthropy, tribal, government, etc). Participants will have the opportunity to connect with peers and develop their leadership and teambuilding skills. This program is provided at no cost to the participants. Applications are due December 2nd, 2023. https://leadershipoklahoma.com/page/YLOKLandingPage https://smr.to/p91111%C2%A0
about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses
Reminder: Oct. 25th will be an ICAP (Individual Career Academic Planning) day. Please click on the link for detailed information: https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/241/Jones_High_School/3618635/OCTOBER_25_PARENT_STUDENT_LETTER_-_Google_Docs.pdf
about 1 year ago, Michelle Rust
about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses
Seniors Just a reminder that the Oklahoma City Community Foundation Scholarship Portal is now open. They currently have two scholarships open that JHS Seniors can apply. The Community Foundation Scholars Scholarship and the Jones High School Scholarship. Both have a deadline of December 1. Go to OCCF.ORG/scholarships and apply https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/241/Jones_High_School/3571153/CFS_Fall_Scholarship_Flyers_TL.pdf
about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses
Dear Seniors and Senior Parents: On October 25, 2023, Jones High School will be conducting ICAP activities with all grade levels. We will be taking Freshmen to EOC, SOphomores will be taking PREACT and Juniors will be taking ASVAB. We want our seniors to also work on ICAP activities that day as well. Seniors will need to work on these activities off-site due to testing at the high school. Seniors that come to high school on the morning of Oct 25 will go to study hall to work on ICAP Activities. Below are activities that Seniors can do on this day Schedule and take a college visit to a college that interests you. Schedule and participate in job shadowing in the career field of your choice Seniors interested in military can sign up with Mr. Moses to take the ASVAB with juniors on October 25 AM tech can still go to EOC for tech classes College students can zoom into their college classes from home that day. All seniors that are doing any of the above activities will be granted an excused college day for October 25. Seniors are able to return to high school for 5th hour if they want as we will return to our normal schedule after lunch. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Moses at cmoses@jonesps.org Thank you Curtis Moses High School Counselor
about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses
Dear Juniors and Junior Parents: On October 25, 2023, all Juniors will be taking the ASVAB at Jones High School. We will be testing in the High School Commons. It is important for all Juniors to be at school on time that morning, well rested and ready to test. This test is being administered at no cost to our Juniors. This test is important for multiple reasons: Allows for practice of Standardized testing and provides information for what areas students need to improve to get a higher score on ACT or other standardized tests It meets ICAP Junior year activity with the interest inventory that students complete with this exam Any student interested in the military, this score can be used for career selection and military entrance. Testing will begin at 8:30 am and will be completed by lunchtime. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Moses at cmoses@jonesps.org Thank you Curtis Moses High School Counselor
about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses
Dear Sophomores and Sophomore Parents: On October 25, 2023, all sophomores will be taking the PreACT at Jones High School. We will be testing in numerous classrooms throughout the school and will have room assignments and test rosters out to students early next week. It is important for all sophomores to be at school on time that morning, well rested and ready to test. Students are allowed to use an approved calculator for the math portion but will need to provide their own calculator. This test is being administered at no cost to our sophomores. This test is important for multiple reasons: Allows for practice of ACT test and provides information for what areas students need to improve to get a higher score on ACT It meets ICAP sophomore year activity with the four year plan and interest inventory that students complete with this exam Scores from this exam can be used for concurrent enrollment in Junior year for those students interested in concurrent enrollment.. Testing will begin at 8:30 am and will be completed by lunchtime. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Moses at cmoses@jonesps.org Thank you Curtis Moses High School Counselor
about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses
Dear Freshman and Freshman Parents: On October 25, 2023, Jones High School will take Freshman over to the Eastern Oklahoma County Technology Center to work on ICAP activities. We will bus over and back and this will take up all four morning hours. All Freshmen will need to be at the high school by 8:30 am to load bus to go to EOC. Any freshman that misses bus to EOC will go to a study hall at the high school to not disrupt other grade level ICAP activities taking place that day. EOC will not be able to allow our freshmen to purchase items, such as chicken strips, from their grill but there will be a 15 minute break between activities. Their Hospitality class will have a snack/vending items available. All items will be 1.50 and it is cash only. If students would like to bring money for these vending items. Below is an itinerary of activities that our Freshmen will complete on October 25,2023. The 9th grade class will spend half a day at EOC Tech on Wednesday, October 25. The activities for the day align with and fulfill some of your 9th grader's ICAP (Individual Career and Academic Plan) requirements to graduate in Oklahoma. Activities at the Tech Center will include: True Colors: Considering Personality in Planning for Your Future Looking Ahead: SMART Goal-Setting Making a Plan: Choosing Courses that Align with Academic and Career Goals Reality Race: How Career Choices Impact Lifestyle and Financial Choices All Freshmen will be bussed back to Jones High School in time for lunch at JHS. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Mr. Moses at cmoses@jonesps.org Thank you Curtis Moses High School Counselor
about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses
Congratulations to Senior, Lily Keester. Lily has been awarded and Academic Scholarship to Olivet Nazarene University in the amount of $62000.00
about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses
Lily Keester
Congratulations to JHS Senior, Lily Keester. Lily has been awarded the Sowers Scholarship from OU in the of $8000.00.
about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses
Lily Keester
OSU OKC's Allied Health Department is hosting an Open House on November 2, from 4pm-6pm. Students will spend the evening hearing from faculty about our programs and getting to see first-hand the spectacular technology that is available to our students.
about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses
OSU-OKC Health Open House
JHS Juniors and Seniors: OSU Is hosting their annual LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE Conference; We're excited to invite your students to attend The Leadership Experience (TLX) 2023 hosted by the President’s Leadership Council (PLC) at Oklahoma State University! The Fall TLX from Saturday, Dec. 2 to Sunday, Dec. 3 is a high school leadership conference intended to empower and equip young student leaders to create positive change! All high school juniors and seniors are invited to attend. The registration fee is $130, which covers lodging, meals, conference materials and T-shirt. To confirm registration, students must submit the non-refundable registration fee, T-shirt size request and liability and medical release forms. Students will stay at a local hotel and transportation to and from the OSU campus will be provided. https://orange.okstate.edu/register/?id=8c805b57-7da0-49e5-9413-940e3494126b
about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses
JHS SENIORS: he Oklahoma Junior Chamber International (JCI) Senate joins the United States JCI organization in presenting scholarships to selected high school seniors. Below you will find a link to the application forms and information. These scholarships will be presented in the late spring of 2024. The application should be completed in its entirety and returned postmarked to me on or before January 19, 2024. Each application will be screened based on appearance, neatness, content, scholastic abilities, extracurricular activities, financial need, and correctly following the directions. The Oklahoma JCI Senate awards two (2) $500 scholarships. Those recipients will then be forwarded to the US JCI Senate for national judging. If our recipients are chosen on the national level they will receive an additional $1,500 scholarship from the US JCI Senate. We are very proud that we have presented over twenty national scholarships to Oklahoma students since 2001. This year in addition to the two college scholarships there will be one vocational scholarship and this winning application will also be submitted to the US JCI Senate for national judging. Instructions to retrieve scholarship application: Go to the website https://oklahomajcisenate.org and find the scholarship section. Print out the documents, instructions and application. The application may also be filled in and printed directly from the electronic form. The current application is the ONLY application which will be accepted for judging.
about 1 year ago, Curtis Moses