Jones High School Juniors and Seniors interested in OSU: OSU Up Close registration closes soon!
This is a great event for juniors and seniors to find out what life is like as an OSU Cowboy. You will get an in-depth look into OSU academics and meet with current students and faculty working in your area of interest. Lunch and campus tours are also offered.
Do not miss out on an awesome day!
Register at
Jones High School Seniors: Fall Break begins Thursday. This is a good opportunity to work on college applications and scholarship applications. Treat this process like a job. If you spend 10 hours working on scholarship applications and receive one $2000.00 award that equates to 200.00 an hour! Most of us would love to make that kind of money.
The middle school game with Little Axe will be played at home tonight at 5:30 (this game is 7th & 8th combined). The JV game is canceled due to Little Axe not having enough players to play.
We are the News 9 game of the week tonight! Be here early for the festivities. Also, there will only be one gate open tonight for the JHS football game vs. Holdenville. Please go to the west gate for entry. The east gate is flooded. TTHL!!!!
11th and 12th grade students wanting to do concurrent enrollment at Rose State in the Spring need to see Mr. Moses. Enrollment for Spring Concurrent opens OCT 29
Students interested in UCO and are interested in a Professional Golf Management program: UCO offers a Bachelors of Business Administration in Management with a concentration in Professional Golf. For more information on this program go to
The 2018 Sixt Scholars application process began on September 1st. To learn more about our scholarship, please check out:
Cross Country Regionals for Jones High School will be this Saturday, October 13 at Chisolm High School. Girls will begin at noon. Boys will begin at 12:45 pm. Admission price is $5.00 for students and adults.
The following scholarships are statewide scholarships that are available to Jones High School students.
95th Division Scholarship
OK Goodwill Industries Abilities Scholarship
Almen-West OK Rotary Scholarship
The Bennett Family Scholarship
Dr. Eugene S. Briggs Memorial Scholarship
Oklahoma Youth with Promise Scholarship
Orner-Cook Scholarship
Patel Engineering Scholarship
Patel Math and Sciences Scholarship
Robyn’s Way Scholarship
Application Deadlines and additional information on these scholarships can be found at
All football games for tonight have been moved to Harrah.
-7th grade game 5:00pm
-8th grade game 6:15pm (approx)
-JV game 7:45 (approx)
Congratulations Sam and Kennadee 2018 King and Queen
Jones High School Homecoming 2018
Jones Homecoming 2018
Jones High School Homecoming 2018
Education and understanding the impact this stuff has on our students is very important. Take a look!
Jones High School Seniors: The Jones HIgh School Scholarship through the Oklahoma City COmmunity Foundation is now accepting application. Go to to apply. ELigibility requirements are
• Must have completed their junior and senior years at Jones High School, and be a graduating senior from Jones High School.
• A GPA ≥ 3.0 and ACT ≥ 19.
• Demonstrate participation in at least one extracurricular activity at the high school or in the community.
Financial need is considered.
Jones High School Homecoming Parade will be downtown on October 5 at 2:30. Homecoming Coronation will be at 6:30 on October 5 before Football Game.
Thank you Mercy Hospital for inviting Jones High School students to your high school career fair. Great opportunity for our kids to find careers in medical fields
Jones High School Seniors: Application are being accepted for the Coca Cola Scholars Scholarship. Go to for more information and to apply
Jones High School seniors: Applications for the Dr.Pepper Tuition Giveaway are being accepted. Go to