JHS senior night
Jones High School Senior night
JHS parents we will be sending out grades for 1st nine weeks today in the mail. Thank you!
JHS Students and parents involved in senior night tonight need to be lined up in north end zone promptly at 6:15. Senior night starts at 6:30.
Seniors: The Delta Theta Chi Sorority is accepting applications for two $2400 scholarships. See Mr. Moses for more information and application.
Congrats to the Select Choir today on getting Superior at the Little Dixie Vocal Contest at East Central University!
Attached is biographical sketch of our Red Ribbon Week Speaker. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/248438/DAVEROEVER.pdf
DRUG FREE ASSEMBLY OCT 29 2pm in High School Gym. Guest Presenter: Mr. Dave Roever
**Presented by Jones Against Drugs, Jones FFA,
High School Principal, MS STUCO and MS
Honor Society
Monday Oct 29 DRUGS ARE OLD SCHOOL (Dress Like it’s the 80’s)
Tuesday Oct 30 Recipe for Drug Free Life(Dress like your favorite chef)
Wednesday Oct 31 Drugs are Scary(Halloween Costume—No MASKS & Faces must be visible)
Thursday November 1 Capes not Vapes( Dress like your favorite Super Hero)
Friday November 2 Proud to be Drug Free(Longhorn Pride Wear Green and White)
6th hour classes will be competing in Drug Free Door Decorating Contest. 6th hour class with best decoration will win Pizza Party. Doors will be judged Friday, November 2
• Graduating seniors of an Oklahoma High School.
• A cumulative GPA ≥ 3.25
• Preference may be given for study in languages, international business/economics, petroleum/geology, history, psychology or sociology.
Financial need is considered.
Funds may be used for educational related expenses such as tuition, fees and books at any academically accredited two-year, four-year or vocational technical nonprofit institutions in Oklahoma. Payments are made directly to the school.
The Orner-Cook Scholarship is an endowed scholarship fund of the Oklahoma City Community Foundation that was established by Robert and Carolyn Cook Orner.
Award: $2,000
Deadline: 02/15/2019
After completing the General Application/Student Profile, applicants must submit the Supplemental Questions (below) to complete the application:
1. Please demonstrate your capacity for leadership by describing one extra-curricular activity you have participated in and explain how it has contributed to your goals.
2. Did you submit your household's 1040 or your FAFSA for the coming year when you completed the General Application? (NOTE: If you answered "no", please know that financial need may be considered for this scholarship, and to be eligible for this scholarship you need to return to the General Application/Student Profile and attach a 1040 or FAFSA.)
the 2019 GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program application opened last week. This program annually provides college-bound students with $10,000 renewable scholarships – up to $40,000 total per recipient. Applications are accepted until Jan. 4, 2019. Additional information, eligibility requirements, and a link to the application are available at https://www.reaganfoundation.org/education/scholarship-programs/ge-reagan-foundation-scholarship-program/
Everyone have a great fall break
Jones High School Juniors and Seniors interested in Concurrent enrollment at Rose State for Spring Semester need to see Mr. Moses as soon as possible. Enrollment for Spring Semester opens Oct 29.
Jones High School students in 9 through 11 grade: If you have a GPA of 3.75 or greater and have demonstrated humanitarian qualities in your school and community through volunteer work and/or community service. See Mr. Moses because Jones High School can nominate one student for this award.
Jones High School Red Ribbon Week will be October 29-November 2. We will have theme days posted by next week. We will kick off Red Ribbon Week with a guest speaker on the Afternoon of October 29. This speaker is being brought in through a partnership of Jones Against Drugs, Jones FFA, Jones MS STUCO, Jones MS Honor Society and Jones HS Principals office. Our Speaker will be Dave Roever.
Jones High School Freshman Honor Students: Make sure over fall break that your are working on your digital profile and digital citizenship class at goennounce. Rmember your first blog is due October 22.
Jones High School Juniors that will be first generation college students: you need to apply for the New Opportunities Scholar at the Oklahoma City Community foundation. After completing general application go to opportunities and apply for the New Opportunities Scholar at www.occf.org/scholarships
Seniors take fall break to complete your college and scholarship applications. Also, this would be a good time to complete the FAFSA at https://fafsa.ed.gov
Seniors remember the Oklahoma City Community Foundation has numerous scholarships that Jones High School Students can apply. The Community Foundation Scholar and Jones High School Scholarship are both open. Remember after completing the general application and senior application you have to go to opportunities and apply for each individual scholarship. Go to www.occf.org/scholarships
Courtney Roe will be attending the State Cross Country Meet Saturday October 20th at Gordon Cooper Technology Center. She competed against several other individual runners. She was 5th out of the top 7 which qualified in our Region. Her race will start at 11:45am. If you see Courtney please wish her luck on this exciting accomplishment.
Juniors involved in activities: The University of Oklahoma is hosting Oklahoma’s High School Leadership Conference. This event is Feb 15-17. IF you are interested see Mr. Moses for more information and application process