JHS seniors with ACT 30 or over: Make sure you complete your Academic All-State application. Deadline is November 30. Make sure your teachers submitting letters of recommendation have those submitted before November 30
about 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
Happy Thanksgiving!! Everyone enjoy this time with Family and Friends.
about 6 years ago, Jones High School
Jones High School Freshman and Sophomores: I would encourage you to use the time over Thanksgiving Break to complete and submit your Oklahoma's Promise Application. This can be done online at https://www.okhighered.org/okpromise/
about 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
Jones High School Seniors interested in Oklahoma Air National Guard: A representative from the Oklahoma Air National Guard will be at Jones High School on December 19 at 1:30. IF interested in visiting with them, sign up with Mr. Moses.
about 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
Jones High School students interested in Oklahoma CIty Community College: OCCC admissions rep will be at Jones High School on November 29 at 1:30pm. IF interested in visiting with them sign up with Mr. Moses.
about 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
Jones High School Seniors: Use some of the time over Thanksgiving Break to get college applications and FAFSA completed and submitted.
about 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
JHS SENIORS: Reminder that the Community Foundation Scholarship and Jones High School Scholarship Deadlines are December 6. I would encourage you to use some of the free time over Thanksgiving Break to get these and other scholarship applications completed. The OKC Community FOundation Scholarship are three part. 1) General Application; 2) High School Senior Student Application; and finally 3) individual scholarship applications under opportunities. TO apply for Community FOundation Scholarships go to www.occf.org/scholarships
about 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
JHS Seniors: The Mensa Foundation and Central Oklahoma Mensa are offering scholarships to students enrolled in a degree program at a US institution of higher learning for the next year. That includes current senior year high school students. The process is free of charge, nothing is being sold. We only require students to apply online by submitting an essay by January 15. At the national level the Mensa Foundation offers a number of scholarships depending on the student's qualifications and chosen major. At the local level, Central Oklahoma Mensa will select candidates for our own scholarship award. More information including the application form can be found at https://www.mensafoundation.org/what-we-do/scholarships/.
about 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
Congratulations to our Jones Athletes signing college letters to continue playing college ball! Reilly Hunt signing with Northeastern Oklahoma State University for softball Kennadee Smith signing with Rose State for softball And Jase Farmer signing with Seminole State to play baseball
about 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
Reilly and Kennadee
JONES HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS INTERESTED IN MEDICAL RESEARCH: THE FLEMING SCHOLARS PROGRAM IS ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS! Applications are online now and are due by Feb. 1st. Qualifications: • An Oklahoma resident at the time of high school graduation • At least 16 years of age • Classified as a high school senior or college freshman, sophomore or junior at the time of application • Willing and able to commit to the program's entire eight-week time frame (June 3rd – July 26) Find out more at www.omrf.org/fleming
about 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
Congratulations to our Jones High School Softball Players. We had three selected All-Conference for the North Canadian River Valley Conference: Kennadee Smith, Reilly Hunt, and Caley Young. We also had two selected to District 4 All-District Team: Kennadee Smith and Reilly Hunt.
about 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
JHS SENIORS: The deadline for the Community Foundation Scholarship and the Jones High School Scholarship is December 6. I checked with Community Foundation yesterday and we only have three students that have applied for Community Foundation Scholarship and only one student that has applied for the Jones High School scholarship. We have many eligible. YOU have to complete application. if you need help, see Mr. Moses asap. Apply at www.occf.org/scholarships
about 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
The Oklahoma Former NFL Players Association in cooperation with the Professional Athletes Foundation will award a $2500 college scholarship to one male and one female high school senior in 2019. The scholarships will be presented in June 2019 at the All-Sports and Scholar Athlete Awards Luncheon at the Oklahoma Sports Hall of Fame in Oklahoma City. It is very important that all the information requested is returned by email no later than January 31, 2019. See Mr. Moses for application.
about 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
Congratulations to Jones High School Cheerleaders, Daniel and Jordyn. They had the honor of competing at All State tryouts at Choctaw. Good luck to Jordyn as she moves on to All State competition on November 28 in Tulsa!
about 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
All state tryout
JHS Students: The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority is hosting an in depth Financial Aid Workshop on Tuesday November 27 from 6:30 to 8:30 at UCO. See Flyer for additional information. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/260226/Financial_Aid_Workshop_Flyer_2018.JPG
about 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
Jones High School students wanting to do Concurrent Enrollment at Rose State in the Spring need to get application to Mr. Moses ASAP. Classes are filling up fast
about 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
Jones High School Seniors: The WEOKIE Foundation is awarding 25 $2000 scholarships in their annual essay contest. Essay and application must be completed electronically no later than January 31, 2019. Go to www.weokie.org or see attached flyer for more information. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/258850/WeokieEssay_COntest.pdf
about 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
Jones High School Choir, Band, Drama hosted annual Veteran's Day Assembly. Our students did a great job honoring our Veteran's through song! Thank you to all who have served or are serving!
about 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
Choctaw Air Force ROTC
Flag FOlding
Guest Speaker
Honoring our Veterans with a gift
Congratulations to the Jones High School Football Team. JHS was victorious over Newkirk in the First Round and will host Metro Christian on Friday, November 16 at 7pm for second round of playoffs.
about 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
Out of precaution “Off Campus Lunch” will be closed for today. All students will stay on campus for lunch today. Our students’ safety is our most important concern. We have plenty of food in the cafeteria and students can charge a lunch. Thank you!
about 6 years ago, Mike Watkins