Looking forward to a great start to the 2017-18 school year! It all begins tomorrow!
over 7 years ago, Curtis Moses
First day of teacher in service for Jones Public Schools. It's a Great day to be a Longhorn!
over 7 years ago, Curtis Moses
Longhorn Softball vs Bethany
over 7 years ago, Curtis Moses
Congratulations Longhorn Softball! 4-0 in El Reno Tournament. It's a Great Day to be a Longhorn!
over 7 years ago, Curtis Moses
Open House on August 21 6-8 pm. First day of school is August 23
over 7 years ago, Curtis Moses
Jones Longhorns scrimmaging at Cushing
over 7 years ago, Curtis Moses
Josten's now services our students needs for graduation items, class rings, and yearbooks. They will be at Open House on Monday, Aug 21 to answer questions about graduation items. They also have a Jones store. It is linked on High School website under quicklinks. Jones Schools does get a small percentage from all items purchased through the store.
over 7 years ago, Curtis Moses
Freshman orientation was great!
over 7 years ago, Curtis Moses
Native American students and families. Information about Johnson O'Malley program and applications are now on high school website. Go to high school page, student life and then Johnson O'Malley
over 7 years ago, Curtis Moses
Jones High School TShirt order deadline is August 31. T-shirt orders can be dropped off in high school office. Must have payment at time of order.
over 7 years ago, Curtis Moses
Reminder Freshman and new student orientation is Thursday, August 17 at 6pm in high school Commons
over 7 years ago, Curtis Moses
High School football scrimmage for this Friday(8-18-17) has been moved to Cushing at 6pm.
over 7 years ago, Curtis Moses
Key Club signing up new members at JHS Enrollment
over 7 years ago, Curtis Moses
Softball today(8-15-17) is cancelled due to weather
over 7 years ago, Curtis Moses
School website is now up and live. Web address is www.jones.k12.ok.us We also have an app in App Store: jones public schools, ok
over 7 years ago, Curtis Moses
Softball games today(8-14-17) cancelled due to weather
over 7 years ago, Curtis Moses
Jones Alumni Banquet was fantastic
over 7 years ago, Curtis Moses
Josten's will be at our district wide open house on August 21. They will have table set up to meet with Senior Parents regarding graduation information
over 7 years ago, Curtis Moses
Due to weather, softball games for today (8-12-2017) are cancelled.
over 7 years ago, Curtis Moses
We are asking for a ream of copy paper, kleenex, disinfectant wipes, composition notebooks for the high school. These are not required supplies but would help us out greatly
over 7 years ago, Curtis Moses