Juniors and Seniors: You will be attending college fairs throughout the year. I would encourage you to create a profile on www.gotocollegefairs.com and print the associated bar code. This will keep you from having to fill out info cards at every table at college fairs.
over 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
Jones Students in 8, 9, or 10th grade: The OCDNCC is hosting a college Cash night at Oklahoma City Community COllege on Tuesday, September 11 from 6:30 to 8:30pm. Register at ocdncc.com
over 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
Wichita State University Scholarships for Future Math or Science Teachers:Doris and Ralph Klose Scholars Day Math or Science Education Majors Friday, November 16th, 2018 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. | Corbin Education Center Application Deadline: November 1st, 2018 WSU Admissions Application HERE Scholarship Application HERE Up to $20,000 in Scholarships! Multiple Winners! The Wichita State University College of Applied Studies announces the Doris and Ralph Klose Scholars Day for high school seniors who declare a major in math or science teacher education at Wichita State University. Winners of the scholarship will be offered a financial aid package that may include various scholarships. The Klose Scholarship, up to $20,000, covers the average cost of tuition books and fees during their junior and senior year. Requirements: • Be a current high school senior • Have a minimum high school GPA of 3.50 or • Have a minimum ACT composite score of 24 or a 1160 on the SAT or • Be in the top 10% of your class • Declare a major in a math or science teacher education program
over 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
OK City Community College is offering several low cost ACT workshops. $20.00 fee. Students can register on line. The attached PDF has all the information for the student to register. http://www.occc.edu/coe/act.html
over 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
over 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
High School Senior Essay Contest: Students AND high schools can win cash prizes up to $5,000! Required essay topic: The events of the past do not change; however, the way we view them does. What happens when we erect a monument to a person or event that is meant to memorialize heroic deeds for all of posterity, only to find that future generations do not consider those deeds so heroic anymore? Or, when a certain portion of the population finds the monument to be offensive or a symbol of subjugation? Select an American statue that may not be standing the test of time and explain the reasons why. Any high school senior attending an Oklahoma public school may enter. Essays must be submitted online, using Microsoft Word, no later than October 31. The essay must be 1,000 – 1,250 words and include a Works Cited page listing all referenced materials in a generally accepted format, including any internet resources used. Essays will be judged based on adherence to the prescribed topic, organization of material, interest, originality, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and neatness. For complete list of requirements and link to submit entries, please visit the Senior Essay Contest page on our website here: http://www.mcfok.org/programs/on-behalf-of-the-fraternity/senior-essay-contest/
over 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
Jones High School Seniors interested in attending OU see Mr. Moses. He is trying to schedule a meeting with rep for those interested in attending.
over 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
Seniors interested in Financial Aid Workshop. Below are upcoming financial aid workshops in metro area: Date School/Library Time Contact 9/24 Edmond Library 6:30 PM Library 9/25 Francis Tuttle (Reno campus) 6:30 PM School 9/27 Putnam City HS 6:30 PM Brenda Stinnett 10/8 Heritage Hall 6:30 PM Julie Bramble 10/16 Edmond Santa Fe 5:00 PM Deanna Fleck 10/16 Redlands CC 6:00 PM School
over 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
Jones High School Students that would like to participate in Chad Cargill’s ACT prep need to sign up in counselors office. Cost is $30. Chad Cargill’s workshop will be at Jones High School on October 17.
over 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
Jones High School Juniors and Sophomores. WE will administer the PSAT/NMSQT test on October 10. Juniors this is exam that enters you in competition for National Merit Scholarship. Cost of exam is $13.00 SIgn up and pay in counselors office. We have limited number of tests.
over 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
Jones High School Seniors: Attached is a document that has scholarship information and other information that you need as you progress through your senior year. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/215101/jJONESSCHOLARSHIPHANDBOOK.pdf
over 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
Jones High School students in concurrent enrollment: There is a mandatory meeting scheduled for 9am on Friday August 24 in the High School Commons
over 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
Reminder Open House is Monday, August 20 from 6 to 8 pm. Freshman students that want to sign up for Honors Program: We will have meeting at 6:30 pm on August 20 in Library.
over 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
Rose State Concurrent Classes begin on Monday, August 20.
over 6 years ago, Curtis Moses
9th grade orientation and any new HS students to the district will be tomorrow, Thursday, August 16 in the HS Commons at 6pm.
over 6 years ago, Mike Watkins
Softball game with Chandler is canceled today.
over 6 years ago, Mike Watkins
Everyone come out tonight for the 1st Softball home game against Meeker at 5pm! See you tonight!
over 6 years ago, Mike Watkins
Seniors: Senior yearbook photos Friday, August 17th at 8:00am in the JHS Commons. Girls’ capes will be provided. Boys’ white shirts and black jackets will also be available. If boys own a black jacket that fits well, they are welcomed to bring it.
over 6 years ago, Mike Watkins
Seniors: Senior yearbook photos Friday, August 17th in the JHS Commons. Girls’ capes will be provided. Boys’ white shirts and black jackets will also be available. If boys own a black jacket that fits well, they are welcomed to bring it.
over 6 years ago, Mike Watkins
Jones High School Students in Concurrent Enrollment this year: Please join this Remind Group I have set up. This will allow for better communication. Link to join is below: This year I'm using Remind to send updates about important class information. To sign up for Jones Concurrent Students notifications, please visit https://www.remind.com/join/jonescon
over 6 years ago, Curtis Moses