Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship Did binge-re-watching "The Walking Dead" get you thinking about what you’d do if the streets were filled with flesh-eating zombies? Maybe you've envisioned your own post-apocalyptic world overrun with the living dead, forcing you to come up with a zombie survival plan — and quick Award Amount: $2,000 Deadline: October 31, 2024 https://www.unigo.com/scholarships/our-scholarships/zombie-apocalypse-scholarship
6 months ago, Curtis Moses
zombie Apocalypse Scholarship
JHS SENIORS looking for scholarships to use at Career Tech centers: See link below. The Career Tech Foundation has several scholarships with various deadlines to be used at Oklahoma Career Tech Centers in Oklahoma. https://oklahoma.gov/careertech/about/foundation/scholarships.html
6 months ago, Curtis Moses
JHS HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS: The Gates Scholarship is an exception scholarship. Check out information below and apply if you qualify The Gates Scholarship The Gates Scholarship (TGS) is a highly selective, last-dollar scholarship for outstanding, minority high school seniors from low-income households. The scholarship is awarded to exceptional student leaders, with the intent of helping them realize their maximum potential. Recipients must be enrolled full-time in a four-year degree program at an accredited U.S. college or university. Award Amount: 300 awards; Cost of attendance less other aid Deadline Date: September 15, 2024 https://www.thegatesscholarship.org/
6 months ago, Curtis Moses
JHS Students: LOOKING TO TAKE ACT. THE NEXT NATIONAL TEST IS OCTOBER 26. Regular Registration deadline is SEPTEMBER 20. Register by this date to avoid late fees. EVEN though many colleges are test optional for admissions purposes. ACT scores can help you avoid taking placement tests and increase scholarship dollars with high ACT score. Register at https://my.act.org/account/signin?location=https://my.act.org
6 months ago, Curtis Moses
🤘Here's a look at events happening this week at JHS🤘
6 months ago, Michelle Rust
Jones students in grades 8-11: See attached flyers about the OK Promise Scholarship. If you meet the qualifications to apply make sure you get your application submitted sooner rather than later.
6 months ago, Curtis Moses
ok promise
ok promise
JHS seniors:: The OU Admissions rep will be at Jones High School on September 23 presenting in college prep. If you would like to attend this presentation and are not in this class, please sign up with Mr. Moses.
6 months ago, Curtis Moses
JPS hopes to see our Longhorn Community pack the stands on Thursday Night to Kickoff the Football Season🤘🏈🤘Here are updated entry protocols for JPS events. #TTHL
6 months ago, Brooke Guthery
JHS SENIORS: Check out this Discover Wichita State University Event coming up September 5. Wichita State staff and students are excited to visit Oklahoma City! Don't miss out on this opportunity to get in-depth information about Wichita State University, where you receive in-state tuition. Here are a few quick hits about Discover Wichita State: This is a free event where parents/guests are welcome. High school seniors and transfers with an admissions application submitted will be entered into a $1,000 scholarship drawing toward the 2025-26 academic year at the event. Light refreshments will be provided. Students will receive a custom Wichita State t-shirt! Discover Wichita State: Oklahoma City 7 p.m. CST, Sept. 5, 2024 Credit Union House of Oklahoma 631 E Hill St, Oklahoma City, OK 73105 Deadline to register is Thursday, Aug 29 . Register at https://slate.wichita.edu/register/OKC_Sept5
6 months ago, Curtis Moses
🤘Here's a look at events happening this week at JHS🤘
6 months ago, Michelle Rust
It's that time again. To start planning for the student retreat. 2024 Oklahoma Women in Technology STEM Day Student Retreat Date: Fri, Oct 25 • 07:30 CDT Location: 2101 Vineyard Boulevard, Oklahoma City, OK 73120 This for female students in grades 9-12. Seating is limited and fills quickly. If you are interested in attending this conference sign up with Mr. Moses as soon as possible so he can get you registered. Jones will bus to and from conference for those JHS Students attending
6 months ago, Curtis Moses
🍂Mark your calendars for these upcoming community and JPS events🍂
6 months ago, Michelle Rust
6 months ago, Curtis Moses
Do not forget to sign up for the May 2025 NYC trip!! Details to enroll are in the link: www.efexploreamerica.com/2736991tb. There will be an informational meeting on September 4th at 5 p.m. in Ms. Bennington's classroom at JHS. To sign up for the meeting, follow this link: rsvp.eftours.com/d9dxxkv. Email lbennington@jonesps.org with questions. Prices will go up after October 1st, so lock in the lowest price now!!!!
7 months ago, Michelle Rust
TrophyCentral Sportsmanship Scholarship Award TrophyCentral is thrilled to be able to offer a qualifying high school senior a $1,000 scholarship award to be applied to their first year's tuition to a college or university. The ideal candidate will have demonstrated a unique or special form of sportsmanship, kindness or compassion. Award Amount: 1 award; $1,000 Deadline: Sept. 30, 2024 https://www.trophycentral.com/scholarship-award.html
7 months ago, Curtis Moses
The Justice Solutions Group Future Mentors Scholarship Big Brothers Big Sisters and Justice Solutions Group are proud to offer this award as a demonstration of their commitment to the continued development of future community leaders. This scholarship provides them a meaningful opportunity to give back and help support an aspiring student each year. Award Amount: 1 award; $2,500 Deadline: Sept. 30, 2024 https://www.jsgfirm.com/scholarship/
7 months ago, Curtis Moses
Don't Text and Drive Scholarship According to the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, texting while driving makes drivers 23 times more likely to get into a "safety-critical event." The purpose of this scholarship is to help you understand the risks of texting while driving. Award Amount: 1 award; $1,000 Deadline: Sept. 30, 2024 https://www.digitalresponsibility.org/dont-text-and-drive-scholarship/
7 months ago, Curtis Moses
Cochlear Implant Scholarships Cochlear offers several prestigious scholarships in honor of the amazing innovators who developed their hearing solutions. A scholarship applicant must be a Cochlear Nucleus, Baha or Osia recipient. Award Amount: 7 awards; $2,000 Deadline: Sept. 30, 2024 https://www.cochlear.com/us/en/home/ongoing-care-and-support/connect-with-us/scholarships
7 months ago, Curtis Moses
GoSkills "Be the Boss" Scholarship Each 'Be the Boss' scholarship is awarded to a female high school or college student who wants to start her own business. Applications are open during the spring and fall each year. Award Amount: 1 award; $2,000 Deadline: Sept. 15, 2024 https://www.goskills.com/scholarship
7 months ago, Curtis Moses
National Hispanic Health Professional Student Scholarship In 2004, NHHF established the Hispanic Health Professional Student Scholarship program and its first Gala in New York City for medical, nursing, dental, pharmacy, and public health* students with outstanding academic records and leadership who are committed to serving Hispanics. Award Amount: No. of awards varies; $2,000-$5,000 Deadline: Sept. 13, 2024 https://www.nhmafoundation.org/nhhf-hispanic-health-professional-student-scholarship
7 months ago, Curtis Moses