💚🤘🏻We are only a couple of weeks away from HOCO 2024! Be sure to dress up for SPIRIT WEEK and be entered into a raffle every day! So, go all out this year and make it the best HOCO EVER!!! #TTHL #HOCO24
6 months ago, Curtis Moses
🤘Here's a look at events happening this week at JHS🤘
6 months ago, Michelle Rust
September 25th is the last day to enroll in the 2025 NYC trip. www.efexploreamerica.com/2736991tb Email Ms. Bennington at Lbennington@jonesps.org if you have any questions. Don't miss out on this great opportunity!!
6 months ago, Curtis Moses
Go vote for Will Jasper in the Oklahoman's Student of the Week Poll. Very deserving young man! https://www.oklahoman.com/story/news/2024/09/16/student-of-the-week-the-oklahoman-vote/75132767007/
6 months ago, Curtis Moses
9th-12th grade students: registration for SWOSU’s PharmCorp is due by this Friday, September 20th. You can register at https://www.swosu.edu/about/pre-college-programs/pharmcorp/registration.php They have already had a great response, but they still have spots left.
6 months ago, Curtis Moses
September 24th is school picture day! Pictures can be ordered by going to focused.pics/order and using the code: JonesHS24
6 months ago, Michelle Rust
Please click on our message from Officer Weiss on driving protocols for students. Thanks! https://5il.co/2wmke
6 months ago, Mike Watkins
JHS SENIORS: THE DR PEPPER TUITION GIVEAWAY IS OPEN AND DEADLINE IS SEPTEMBER 30. THEY ARE AWARDING 12 SCHOLARSHIPS 4 BEING 100,000.00. SEE INFORMATION BELOW ON REQUIREMENTS AND GO TO WEBSITE BELOW TO APPLY What are the age requirements to participate? Participants must be between the ages of 18 and 24 at the time of application submission. What should I include in my video? Anything that helps us get to know you and your dreams. Tell us about your academic goals, professional aspirations, or even personal dreams, how you plan to use the tuition and why you need it. Your video will be judged on the four following criteria: career goals, need for tuition assistance, impact of tuition assistance, and overall presentation quality and delivery. Be passionate, be creative, be you. You got this, Pepper! When are the $100,000 winners awarded? Finalists selected to compete to win up to $100,000 in tuition will compete for tuition dollars at the following games: ACC Game Site: ACC Championship Game in Charlotte, NC, at Bank of America Stadium on December 7, 2024 Big Ten Game Site: Big Ten Championship Game in Indianapolis, IN, at Lucas Oil Stadium on December 7, 2024 SEC Game Site: SEC Championship Game in Atlanta, GA, at Mercedes-Benz Stadium on December 7, 2024 Big 12 Game Site: Big 12 Championship Game in Arlington, TX, at AT&T Stadium on December 7, 2024 Awards Four (4) $100,000 Tuition Prizes (one per Grand Prize Game) Four (4) $25,000 Runner-Up Prizes (one per Grand Prize Game) Four (4) $2,500 Consolation Prizes (one per Grand Prize Game https://www.drpepper.com/tuition/
6 months ago, Curtis Moses
In honor of all those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001! Thank you to all of our first responders and military personnel that always run to the danger for our protection! YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN!
6 months ago, Curtis Moses
9/11 remembrance
Never Forget
JHS SENIORS: The Navy ROTC Scholarship application is open and must be completed by January. For more information and to apply go to https://www.netc.navy.mil/Commands/Naval-Service-Training-Command/NROTC/Prospective-Midshipmen/Scholarship-and-Non-Scholarship-Options/Four-Year-National-Scholarship/
6 months ago, Curtis Moses
JHS Seniors: The Air Force ROTC Scholarship is open and closes December 31, 2024. For more information and to apply go to https://www.afrotc.com/scholarships/high-school/application/
6 months ago, Curtis Moses
JHS Seniors: The Army ROTC SCHOLARSHIP application is open and closes Oct 14. For more information and to apply go to https://www.goarmy.com/careers-and-jobs/find-your-path/army-officers/rotc/scholarships
6 months ago, Curtis Moses
JHS Students interested in degrees in Music Business/Management, Music Production, and Contemporary Music Performance. Check out Academy of Contemporary Music @ University of Central Oklahoma(ACM@UCO). YOu can get information at the following website https://acm.uco.edu/
6 months ago, Curtis Moses
JHS Students interested in Forensic Science Degree: The #1 Ranked Forensic Science Program in the United States is just a few miles down the Road at UCO. They offer 4 undergrad degrees and Masters Degree and are adding a Doctoral Degree. Every Undergraduate Forensic Science student is required to double major. You are being taught by professors that combined have over 300 years of Forensic/law enforcement experience and many of the professors are still currently working in the field. For more information go to: https://sites.uco.edu/fsi/
6 months ago, Curtis Moses
JHS Seniors interested in OSU: Pistol Pete says its time to get those applications for admission complete and submitted. Make sure you complete all essays and have complete and submitted before priority scholarship deadline of November 1. Apply at https://go.okstate.edu/ and click apply button.
6 months ago, Curtis Moses
Pistol Pete
JHS Seniors: The following admissions reps will be at Jones High School presenting in college prep. If you would like to attend presentation and are not in the class, please sign up with Mr. Moses so he can get you excused from class to attend. University of Oklahoma September 23 University of Central Oklahoma September 24 Wichita State University November 6
6 months ago, Curtis Moses
JHS Seniors and Parents: Completing the FAFSA is a graduation requirement beginning with this years graduating class. It does not look like FAFSA will be available to complete until December 1. This webinar should provide you valuable information on completing FAFSA. All students going to college and/or career tech need to complete for Financial Aid and Scholarship purposes. OKMM "Make it Count" Webinar Series: Completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) When it comes to paying for college, it's important to know all the costs and have a plan to cover them. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, is your first step in applying for financial assistance for college. Join us and our friends from UCanGo2, Tuesday, September 17, at noon to learn everything you need to know about the FAFSA. Register to attend at https://onenet.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwkdequrD4uH9b5RREt6HtPFJJRZJqr6546#/registration
6 months ago, Curtis Moses
Native Nations Day is Next Month! Native Nations Day will take place on Monday, October 21 from 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., and we want to see your students there! Attendees will experience everything OU has to offer while connecting with valuable resources and support programs. During the event, students will hear from our admissions team on best practices in their application, learn about affordability, meet academic representatives to learn about academic areas of interest, and engage with current students, faculty, and staff. Lunch will also be provided for student attendees. For More information and to register go to https://ou.edu/admissions/visit/events/native-nations-day?wcmmode=disabled
6 months ago, Curtis Moses
OU Native Nations Day
JHS Seniors that are interested in becoming Teachers: The State of Oklahoma has the Inspire to Teach Scholarship and Employment Incentive valued at over 20000.00. This is available at any Oklahoma College For more information go to: https://okhighered.org/otc/inspired-to-teach/
6 months ago, Curtis Moses
Students interested in UCO and Teacher Education; The link below is to scholarship opportunities for teachers at UCO https://sites.uco.edu/ceps/teacher-education-services/
6 months ago, Curtis Moses