JHS Seniors interested in Pharmacy at SWOSU: Check out this Rx Path program you can apply to which will assure you a seat in SWOSU's Pharmacy program.
5 months ago, Curtis Moses
Congratulations to JHS Senior, Sedona Rogers! Sedona is being awarded an Academic Achievement Scholarship to Southwestern Oklahoma State University(SWOSU) in the amount of $2500 per year. Additionally is being awarded a SWOSU FOUNDATION scholarship from the Metro Counselors Conference in the amount of $1000.00. Total Value of her awards $11000.00. Way to go Sedona! #ITSAGREATDAYTOBEALONGHORN #GODAWGS
5 months ago, Curtis Moses
JHS and Community: GO vote for Sedona in the Oklahoman's Student of The Week Poll! She is a very deserving young lady! https://www.oklahoman.com/story/news/2024/09/30/the-oklahoman-student-of-the-week-voting-september-30/75400297007/
5 months ago, Curtis Moses
🎃Mark your calendars! JHS will host our annual Pumpkin Bash on Tuesday, October 29th! Bring your kiddos for lots of fun, games, and prizes!
5 months ago, Curtis Moses
Pumpkin Bash
🤘Here's a look at events happening this week at JHS🤘
5 months ago, Michelle Rust
JHS Seniors interested in Langston University: Date: October 9, 2024 Check-In Time: 9:00 AM Location: W.E. Anderson Stadium Event Details: Greeting Future Lions! Get ready for an incredible day at High School and Transfer Day 2024! This is your chance to dive into the world of Langston University, explore exciting admissions options, and discover amazing scholarship opportunities. Event Highlights: Check-In and Registration starts promptly at 9:00 AM on October 9, 2024, at W.E. Anderson Stadium. Registration will be capped at 800 participants. On-Site Admissions: For our senior attendees, we’ll be offering on-site admissions during the breakout sessions. Be sure to apply beforehand at Langston University Apply Now and bring any high school transcripts you have with you. For transfer student, bring your official college transcripts Explore and Learn: Meet with representatives, get all your questions answered, and make the most of this day tailored just for you! Lunch: Will be covered by Langston University Office of Admissions. Please note we are not allowing sugary drinks to be in the stadium. Attached, you'll find a detailed list of scheduled events and the LU Admissions Requirements for your review. Important Links: Admissions Application Scholarship Application High School and Transfer Day Registration LANGSTON UNIVERSITY NOTICE REGARDING PHOTOGRAPHS AND VIDEOS Langston University will be capturing photos and video footage throughout High School and Transfer Day 2024. These images and videos may be featured on our social media platforms, website, or used for public relations purposes. If you or your parent/guardian prefer not to have photos taken or used for marketing purposes, please let us know by contacting the Office of Admissions via email at luadmissions@langston.edu or by phone at 405-466-3428. We will also have printed reminders posted during the event and will announce this at the start of the day. We can’t wait to see you there!
5 months ago, Curtis Moses
JHS Juniors and Seniors: I am sharing this information about upcoming conference. It may be beneficial for you as you head out from high school and onto life, dating and relationships. I work closely with Leah's Hope, a local non-profit, supporting housing and programming for women with children fleeing domestic abuse. As a fundraising effort and educational component to the OKC community as a whole they put on this event in MWC. I wanted to share it with you to see if there was anyone you know of or any groups that might benefit from this type of event? It is only $10 fee, but provides great resources. I've had several college age girls recently mentioned that they wish someone would have talked to them about what domestic voilence looks like and how to spot it. They mentioned having boyfriends in the past that were verbally abusive or controlling. And they didn't look at it as "bad" because it wasn't physical abuse. I know these kinds of topics are not "fun", but needed for even teenagers AND grown women. Please see the details below and if you have any questions let me know! DETAILS of Forwarded Message: I have attached the updated flyer to this email for your convenience. Registration can be completed by visiting www.tinyurl.com/bestrong24. Additional details: This event is a Domestic Violence Awareness event held during Domestic Violence Awareness Month and exists to educate the community about the different aspects of domestic violence. The conference is $10 per person; includes lunch, a swag bag, and childcare (if needed for children 12 and younger); and is designed for anyone 12 or older. The information presented can help individuals recognize and handle domestic violence in their own lives or for the community they serve. Sessions include - How to Recognize Domestic Violence, How to File a VPO and What that Means, Situational Awareness, What Happens If DHS Gets Involved, and Basic Defensive Tactics. Presenters include Judge Sara Bondurant (Oklahoma County VPO Judge), Darla Cheek (Mid-Del Youth and Family Services), Chris Hicks and Robbie Hicks (Blue Haven Firearms), and Lt. Bradyn Nucci (Midwest City Police Department). Anyone can register now at www.tinyurl.com/bestrong24.
5 months ago, Curtis Moses
Be Strong Conference
💚🤘🏻Not sure what to wear for HOCO 2024?!! Check out our STUCO's TikTok for HELP!!!! https://www.tiktok.com/@jonesstuco?_t=8q1X2aQ5Vdv&_r=1
5 months ago, Curtis Moses
JHS Juniors and Seniors: The Oklahoma City Community Foundation Scholarship Portal opens October 1(Next Tuesday) All of their scholarships close on Feb 15. Jones High School students are eligible to apply for their over 150 scholarships. A Jones High School senior is guaranteed to receive a Community Foundation Scholars Scholarship in amount of 3000 if qualified and complete and submit application. In addition a Jones High School Senior is guaranteed to be awarded the Jones High School Scholarship if qualified and complete and submit application. Jones High School Juniors: The Oklahoma City Community Foundation has one scholarship for Juniors in the amount of 3000.00 it is the New Opportunities Scholarship. A Jones High School Junior is guaranteed to receive a NOS Scholarship if they are qualified and complete and submit application and all requirements set for them over senior year. Last year we had two juniors receive this award. Get prepared to be busy because scholarship application season is getting ready to ramp up on OCT 1.
5 months ago, Curtis Moses
CFS Scholarship
NOS scholarships
JHS Students: Never pay to apply for scholarships! There’s a new college financial aid scam going around, so be on the lookout and stay diligent!
5 months ago, Curtis Moses
JHS Seniors interested in East Central University : East Central is waiving Application admissions fees this week. Get application in and submit using application fee waiver code below before Friday Sept 27 Oklahoma College Application Week has started and we are waiving application fees for seniors. Oklahoma seniors who apply by this Friday, September 27 can use application waiver code CAW25 on the application and we will waive the application fee. Please forward on to your students!
5 months ago, Curtis Moses
JHS Seniors: Here is a simple timeline of things you need to be working on now for your success after high school. FIRST AND FOREMOST MAKE SURE YOU ARE MEETING ALL YOUR REQUIREMENTS TO GRADUATE HIGH SCHOOL INCLUDING PASSING CLASSES YOU ARE IN THIS YEAR 1) Finishing and Finalizing your ICAP: What does this mean? Choosing that career path for after high school and doing the things that will get you in that career. 2) If your career path is military, you need to be meeting with Military recruiter and getting everything lined out there. If you are headed straight to your career after graduation you need to be meeting with employers to secure that opportunity, and finishing certifications needed. If your career path involves college below are steps you need to be following: College Bound Students: Need to be submitting College Application for admissions9Including Essays) Need to be visiting College Campuses to insure good fit for you Need to be completing and submitting scholarship applications If you need any assistance with any of these areas make sure you are reaching out to Mr. Moses
5 months ago, Curtis Moses
JHS Students that are working on College Application and Scholarship Essays: Check out this great article on what College admissions and Scholarship selectors are looking for in your essay. https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/241/Jones_High_School/4870038/COLLEGE_ESSAY_TIPS.pdf
5 months ago, Curtis Moses
🥎Tonight's senior night for softball has been moved to 4:30🥎
5 months ago, Michelle Rust
Oklahoma Christian University’s School of Business will be hosting the 4th annual Business Pathways Expo on November 15, 2024! This unique event is designed to give students an opportunity to learn more about careers in business straight from local business professionals. Any student is welcome to attend this free, half-day event. Even if you are not sure business is something you want to pursue as a college degree, come and explore your options! There is something for everyone - high school students included! The attached flyer has additional details. All students who wish to attend must register! Use the QR code on the attached flyer or use the link below to register ASAP! Attached you will find a map of the building where the Business Pathways Expo will be held and there is a flyer for students. If you have any questions you can contact Shannon Phelps shannon.phelps@oc.edu or Jillian Johnson jillian.johnson@oc.edu. Business Pathways Expo Registration: https://forms.gle/3aQYypCR9ucsFLy2A
5 months ago, Curtis Moses
business pathways
oc campus map
🥎Today's softball games have been canceled. 🥎
5 months ago, Michelle Rust
GO vote in the Oklahoman's Student of the Week Poll! Macie Finley is very deserving of your vote. #ITSAGREATDAYTOBEALONGHORN https://www.oklahoman.com/story/news/2024/09/23/the-oklahoman-student-of-the-week-vote-poll/75224325007/
5 months ago, Curtis Moses
🤘Here's a look at events happening this week at JHS🤘
5 months ago, Michelle Rust
College Board Recognizes student accomplishments in AP Courses with AP Scholar and AP Scholar with Honor designations. AP Scholar: Granted to students who receive scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP Exams. AP Scholar with Honor: Granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams. Congratulations to the following JHS Graduates: They following are AP Scholars with Honor Paige Petty Ripken Wallace The following graduates are AP Scholar: Clayton Creasey Jacob Petty The following seniors have also been recognized as AP Scholar or AP Scholar with Honor Tatum Scott: AP Scholar William Jasper: AP Scholar with Honor #APSCHOLARS #ITSAGREATDAYTOBEALONGHORN
6 months ago, Curtis Moses
JHS JUNIORS AND SENIORS: OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY IS HOSTING The Leadership Experience (TLX) 2024 The Leadership Experience (TLX) 2024 hosted by the President’s Leadership Council (PLC) at Oklahoma State University! The Fall TLX from Saturday, Oct. 12 to Sunday, Oct. 13 is a high school leadership conference intended to empower and equip young student leaders to create positive change! All high school juniors and seniors are invited to attend. The registration fee is $130, which covers lodging, meals, conference materials and T-shirt. To confirm registration, students must submit the non-refundable registration fee, T-shirt size request and liability and medical release forms. Students will stay at a local hotel and transportation to and from the OSU campus will be provided. https://orange.okstate.edu/register/?id=2e73f2fa-0c22-4408-8eaf-170d401eff1e
6 months ago, Curtis Moses