A JHS Alumni making US Proud! Trey Dorrell was named a Senior of Significance at Oklahoma State University. Student Awards 2024-25 Seniors of Significance The Oklahoma State University Alumni Association has named 51 students as OSU Seniors of Significance for the 2024-2025 academic year. The Seniors of Significance Award recognizes students who have excelled in scholarship, leadership and service to campus and community and have brought distinction to OSU. The 51 students represent the top one percent of the Class of 2025, including all five OSU undergraduate academic colleges. The Seniors of Significance are listed below by college with their major(s) and hometown Treyton Dorrell, mechanical engineering and aerospace engineering, Jones, Oklahoma #SENIOROFSIGNIFICANCE #GOPOKES #ITSAGREATDAYTOBEALONGHORN
5 months ago, Curtis Moses
Let's Beat Millwood tonight! Click link below for Homecoming update for next week. https://5il.co/2y8i6
5 months ago, Mike Watkins
Jones High School Seniors: As Scholarship application season is opening full swing, I wanted to pass along some information to help you in this process: 1) Apply for any and all scholarships you can. 2) Remember a majority of the scholarship dollars you receive will come from the college you plan to attend. Make sure you complete and submit application for admissions before college's priority scholarship deadline. 3) Essays on the applications for admissions are critically important for Leadership and Service Scholarships. 4) If there were no essays on your application for admissions make sure you check out the colleges website and look specifically for Leadership and Service Scholarships. These are normally the best scholarships available. 5) Essays you write for Scholarships or Admissions are your essays. Save them and reuse them. Don't reinvent the wheel. 6) Essay Contests win scholarship dollars! Since you don't want to write the essay you can assume that is the opinion of many. This means the competition pool is small. 7) Make sure you check with your employer and/or your parents employer about scholarship opportunities available from those companies or organizations. 8) Students with CDIB cards make sure you check with your tribal headquarters about scholarship opportunities through the tribe. I have went out to various sites and put together the attached document. It has a variety of scholarships listed with deadlines varying from October to January. It is not all inclusive. There are many other scholarship opportunities out there that are not on this list. https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/241/Jones_High_School/4900139/SCHOLARSHIPS.pdf
5 months ago, Curtis Moses
JHS Seniors: As you are completing your Oklahoma City Community Foundation Scholarship applications. I wanted to pass this along. The document attached lists OCCF scholarships that are exclusive to Jones High School Students and scholarships that JHS Students have increased chance to receive. https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/241/Jones_High_School/4900142/Jones_Page_1__1_.jpg
5 months ago, Curtis Moses
🤘Congratulations to the JHS Academic Team for winning two of three games at their first meet of the year! 🤘
5 months ago, Michelle Rust
Congratulations to JHS Senior, Emma Gindhart. Emma is being awarded the Inspired to Teach Incentive scholarship in amount of $25,500.00 and the Broncho Blue Distinguished Scholarship from UCO. Total value for these awards over her four years is $28,100. Way to Go Emma! Making us Proud! #ITSAGREATDAYTOBEALONGHORN #ROLLCHOS #INSPIREDTOTEACH
5 months ago, Curtis Moses
JHS Students interested in a Career in the Music Industry: ACM@UCO offers multiple pathways to become successful in the Music Industry. They offer performance path(singing, playing various instruments, and songwriting) They offer production path( Sound and Recording). Also offer business path(band management, Agent, Recording company) etc. This is a program that can help you become successful in the Music Industry. For more information go to https://acm.uco.edu/
5 months ago, Curtis Moses
🗽YAY! We have 15 people enrolled to go to NYC... JOIN US MAY 2025! We have 5 more spots left. Don't miss out on this opportunity to make fun memories with your classmates and to LEARN while traveling! www.efexploreamerica.com/2736991TB Email Ms. Bennington at lbennington@jonesps.org if you have questions!🗽
5 months ago, Michelle Rust
Congratulations to JHS Senior, Sedona Rogers. Sedona has been accepted to SWOSU's RxPath Program! This is an amazing accomplishment in that she will start working with SWOSU Doctor of Pharmacy faculty as a Freshman at SWOSU and provided she maintains specific requirements while at SWOSU has an assured seat in SWOSU's Doctor of Pharmacy program. Way to Go Sedona! Making Us Proud! #RxPath #Pharmacy #ITSAGREATDAYTOBEALONGHORN #GODAWGS
5 months ago, Curtis Moses
JHS Juniors: Check out this amazing leadership program: I am reaching out to you to share an amazing Leadership program opportunity for High School Juniors. Youth Leadership Oklahoma (YLOK) is currently accepting applications for Class 25. YLOK is seeking applicants who are current high school juniors and passionate about advocating for their community and state. During the program, 52 selected students from across the state will travel throughout Oklahoma from June 1-6th, 2025 and learn about critical issues that impact Oklahoman's (ethics, entrepreneurship, health care, economics, philanthropy, tribal, government, etc). Participants will have the opportunity to connect with peers and develop their leadership, communication and interpersonal skills. This program is provided at no cost to the participants. Applications are due December 7th, 2024. Please feel free to share this information to students in your district who you feel would benefit from participation in this program. To learn more about YLOK: Website: https://leadershipoklahoma.com/page/YLOKLandingPage Application Link: https://smr.to/p98182 For more information, we have a presentation slide and Youtube video. Presentation: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFI2E0wU9Q/SACWmL7RKsy0yj6BTGv12g/view?utm_content=DAFI2E0wU9Q&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor YouTube video: https://youtu.be/khjN_1liB0c?si=A-GwP2ddYNf7h9m4
5 months ago, Curtis Moses
JHS Seniors: Please Make sure you are getting your college Admissions Applications completed and submitted. When you submit make sure you let Mr. Moses know so he can send your transcript to the college for you. Also, keep Mr. Moses informed of any scholarships you receive.
5 months ago, Curtis Moses
What is an Individual Career Academic Plan (ICAP)? The term ICAP refers to a process that helps students engage in academic and career development activities and a product created and maintained for students’ academic, career, and personal advancement. To avoid classroom interruption and complete this graduation requirement, Jones High School will dedicate the morning of October 15th to work on ICAP for all grade levels. All classes and activities will return to normal after lunch.
5 months ago, Michelle Rust
Juniors: The Oklahoma City Community Foundation has one scholarship that you can apply for as a junior. It is the New Opportunities Scholar. The Foundation's Scholarship Portal opened today. Get on and apply for this scholarship. https://occf.org/scholarships/
5 months ago, Curtis Moses
Tickets for softball regionals can be purchased with cash at the gate or online! Fan parking is behind center and right field and West of the football field. The fan entrance is by the first base dugout. Online ticket link: https://gofan.co/event/1731756?schoolId=OSSAA
5 months ago, Michelle Rust
Seniors: The Oklahoma City Community Foundation Scholarship portal opens today. Get on and start applying for their scholarships. https://occf.org/scholarships/
5 months ago, Curtis Moses
JHS SENIORS: The Free Application for Federal Student Aid(FAFSA) opens for a segment of the population today. You can try to get on and complete. If unable don't stress, it will open to everyone on December 1. Remember this is what is used by the colleges to determine financial need for you for financial aid(grants, etc). In addition, completion of FAFSA is a graduation requirement beginning with your graduating class. You will need to complete the 2025-2026 application form. https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa
5 months ago, Curtis Moses
JHS Seniors interested in Teacher Education and SWOSU: Check out the information on SWOSU's various teacher ed Programs.
5 months ago, Curtis Moses
JHS Seniors interested in Health Career Fields and SWOSU; Check out their Health Career Days.
5 months ago, Curtis Moses
Health Career Day
JHS Seniors interested in SWOSU: SEE attachment and registration information for their Campus Preview Day
5 months ago, Curtis Moses
JHS Seniors interested in Pharmacy at SWOSU: Check out this Rx Path program you can apply to which will assure you a seat in SWOSU's Pharmacy program.
5 months ago, Curtis Moses