🤘Jones Public Schools is PROUD to announce our 24/25 Site Teachers of the Year🤘 JHS - Andrew Gierhart JMS - Rhonda Ely JES - Aimee Wilson 🎉Congratulations to these Amazing Educators🎉
5 days ago, Brooke Guthery
💚📚Book Fair Days are coming soon!📚💚Open on Student Led Conferences 4-7pm as well.
14 days ago, Brooke Guthery
book fair
🤘Jones Public Schools are HIRING for the 25/26 school year🤘Apply here: https://forms.gle/iJa3T1R8bxwhYgkC7 Go Green💚Join the Longhorn Family!
20 days ago, Brooke Guthery
The 2025-2026 Academic Calendar was approved at the Jones Board of Education meeting on Tuesday, February 11th 🗓️🍏✅
27 days ago, Jones School District
Join us in commemorating the life of our beloved teacher, Mr. Danny Ledford.
about 1 month ago, Jones School District
BOOSTERTHON was a SMASHING SUCCESS again this year! THANK YOU to all the families that participated and all our Longhorn Supporters who sent in donations! FEB 5TH will be WIG OUT WEDNESDAY - Everyone can celebrate HITTING OUR 20K Wildly Important Goal by wearing a CRAZY WIG to school!
about 1 month ago, Brooke Guthery
ones Elementary Families! JES BOOSTERTHON2025 kicked off today, and we are thrilled about this year’s program! Our goal is to raise $20,000, and, we’re inviting YOU to help! Sign your Longhorn up @ MYBOOSTER.COM! Thank you for supporting our school. We can’t wait for your Dance Fit happening on January 24th!
about 2 months ago, Brooke Guthery
🤘Thank You, Jones Public Schools Board Members! 🤘 We deeply appreciate your dedication to the students, families, and community of Jones. Your leadership and service make a lasting impact on our schools and the future of our students.💚 #SchoolBoardAppreciationMonth #JonesPublicSchools #ThankYou #CommunityLeaders
about 2 months ago, Brooke Guthery
3rd grade Academic Awards have been rescheduled to begin at 11:30 Friday, Jan 17th to eliminate any time conflicts for parents that will also be attending the JMS awards that morning at 10:00am.
about 2 months ago, Brooke Guthery
Jones Elementary sent home Virtual Learning Packets with students today because of the unpredictability of the forecast. If the school day is NOT deemed a virtual day, your child does not need to complete the packet. Simply leave the packet in their folder and have them return it to school. If it IS a virtual day, your child should complete the activities in the packet as instructed and return to school for a grade. Stay Warm, Longhorns!
2 months ago, Brooke Guthery
2nd - 5th Grade ACADEMIC AWARDS 📗💚🤘💚📗 FRIDAY, JAN. 17TH
2 months ago, Brooke Guthery
Follow this link: https://5il.co/30tte for an important message from Jones Middle School.
4 months ago, Jones School District
🚨Game scheduled for Friday has been moved to tomorrow🚨 7PM at Blackwell Thursday night football!!!!
4 months ago, Jones High School
JES's K-Kids Club is taking Disaster Releif Items through Nov.12th If you are wanting to help others, send your donations to school!
4 months ago, Brooke Guthery
🛑JPS has CANCELED CLASSES for Monday, Nov.4🛑 due to the current & and potential weather conditions for the day. 💚The JES Storm Shelter will be available in the event sirens sound. 💚Stay Safe, Longhorns!
4 months ago, Brooke Guthery
Keep this Saturday evening free for these 2 Jones events! Walk the park & get candy, then run over to the JHS to get a preview of our Hoopsters, Coaches, Cheerleaders! Bring your appetite for Smokin Pokes Pulled pork sandwich and Nachos for sale! Cover your entry and support our teams by bringing a case of water, Gatorade and cash donations are always great!!
5 months ago, Brooke Guthery
Red Ribbon Week KICKS OFF on MONDAY! Our FOOD DRIVE will focus on helping our local community partner EOCRC fill their pantry shelves for families in need. Send items all week to help us help others! #ServiceLearning #JES #LonghornLeaders
5 months ago, Brooke Guthery
food drive
Red Ribbon Week is coming up next week! JES is KICKING IT OFF with our Food Drive & ending it with some FUN Dress Up Days!
5 months ago, Brooke Guthery
5 months ago, Brooke Guthery
JPS hopes to see our Longhorn Community pack the stands on Thursday Night to Kickoff the Football Season🤘🏈🤘Here are updated entry protocols for JPS events. #TTHL
7 months ago, Brooke Guthery