Jones High School Enrollment FAQs

When can I enroll my student?

Enrollment for the upcoming school year typically starts in early August, when the office staff returns from summer break.

What do I need to enroll my student?

Every year, we must obtain current proof of residency. This must be a current (July or August of that year) electric bill, rental agreement, or property tax documentation. For returning Jones students, this should be the only documentation you need to provide; the school will include all other enrollment forms in the enrollment process.

Parents or guardians must provide proof of residency, a copy of the student's birth certificate, and up-to-date immunization records for students new to the district. We cannot enroll your student if you cannot provide these records.

How do I enroll my student?

Starting in August, parents/guardians can enroll their student online at or via the Wengage by Sylogist mobile app by going to the Student Records Portal. Parents/Guardians can request an account on the website's homepage.

Doesn't my student pre-enroll during the spring?

In the spring, students fill out a form indicating the classes they want to take the following year. This allows them to select the extracurricular activities they find interesting and consult with the counselor to ensure they take the required courses to graduate. Students are not authorized to enroll themselves, and parents/guardians must enroll them starting in August before the start of every school year.

Record Requests

Please send Record Requests to

For IEP/SPED records, please send them to